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Ask America's Healthy Home Expert®

Need help creating a healthy home? Submit your question to Nationally Recognized Healthy Home Expert ® Caroline Blazovsky.

Caroline is nationally recognized as America’s Healthy Home Expert ® and is one of the top home experts in the country. She has worked on the homes of the most famous to the everyday person that wants to improve their living space. Caroline is an investigator, environmental consultant, entrepreneur, spokesperson, and media personality promoting healthier homes throughout the U.S. and the world. She has been featured by major news outlets, AARP, Shape, SiriusXM, Broan-Nutone, House Smarts TV, The Jenny McCarthy Show, Good Housekeeping and hundreds of podcasts, radio and print interviews. If you are interested in improving health and wellness, her experience on how our homes (work & living spaces) impact our health is abundant.

With more than 20 years of working with residential clients and 30,000 home investigations--she can teach you the healthy way to home projects. If you want to know what toxins are lurking in your home, or have health symptoms that have no known cause, you may want to hear her real-life client stories about improving health by changing your environment. You can be exercising, eating a balanced diet, and refraining from the chocolate and the sweets, but if your home is toxic you probably aren’t feeling as well as you should.

She is a house detective finding hidden problems in a home like, mold, allergens, water contamination, carcinogens, and bad building practices. She is a council-certified Mold Remediator (CMR), Environmental Allergen Consultant (CEAC) and Indoor Environmentalist Investigator (CIE) with graduate Sustainable Design education from Boston Architectural College. She is also credentialed through the National Environmental Health Association as a Healthy Homes Specialist (HHS).

Besides being an environmental consultant and house detective, Caroline has made it her passion to educate the public about healthier homes. Caroline is a board member of the Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC) responsible for creating indoor air quality professional credentialing as well as a committee member, keynote speaker & scientific contributor for the national Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). She was key in educating the public about indoor environments and its role in virus transmission during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a successful female entrepreneur Caroline has developed DIY home test kits Predict™, and the Examinair® to help homeowners assess their homes for toxins and allergens. She resides as CEO of My Healthy Home®, a national company specializing in indoor air quality products, consultation and testing services. Ms. Blazovsky was named a 2020 Top 25 Leading Woman Entrepreneur in her home state of New Jersey and her company My Healthy Home was a finalist for NJBIZ Business of the Year 2020. Her focus is working with physicians, homeowners, other building professionals and the public to improve wellness through home environments. Caroline loves making humans healthier.




Try these sample questions!

What is the best home mold test kit?
Do I have allergens in my home?
Can you suggest healthy building products?
How can I test my home for toxins?

We look forward to hearing from all of you! Responses to questions will be brief. Questions and answers may be used for educational and marketing purposes.

For detailed information, paid consultations with Caroline Blazovsky, America's Healthy Home Expert® are available at


My Healthy Home® is Respected Nationally.

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The "official" My Healthy Home and Healthy Home Expert website.
My Healthy Home® and Healthy Home Expert® are the registered trademarks of My Healthy Home, LLC.

Make a Healthy Home today, with MyHealthyHome® LLC
MyHealthyHome® LLC has CMR (Certified Microbial Remediation), CIE (Certified Indoor Environmentalist) and CEAC (Certified_Environmental_Allergen_Consultant) certifications, and is a member of the Indoor Air Quality Association. Our credentials also include official recognition as a Healthy Homes Specialist from the National Environmental Health Association and Sustainable Design educational background. All work is based on the current standards provided by the EPA, IICRC S500, IAQA, ASHRAE, NEHA as well as New York City and California indoor air quality standards.
TOLL FREE 866-743-8563
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©2024-2034 My Healthy Home®, LLC
My Healthy Home ® and Healthy Home Expert ® are registered trademarks of My Healthy Home

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Caroline Blazovsky on FacebookCaroline Blazovsky on LinkedIn MyHealthyHome® LLC has completed a Sustainable Design Certification from Boston Architectural College MyHealthyHome® LLC has completed CMR, CIE & CEAC certifications from the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC) MyHealthyHome® LLC has completed CMR (Mold and Microbal) certification from the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC) MyHealthyHome® LLC has completed CIE (Indoor Environmental) certification from the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC) MyHealthyHome® LLC has completed CEAC (Certified_Environmental_Allergen_Consultant) certification from the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC)MyHealthyHome® LLC is a green approved business. Businesses displaying this Seal of Approval have successfully completed Green America's certification process and have been approved to be listed as a socially and environmentally responsible. MyHealthyHome® LLC is a member of the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), where Ms. Blazovsky was selected to join their Green Committee MyHealthyHome® LLC is a member of the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) MyHealthyHome® LLC is associated with RealTime Laboratories Inc. and can perform Mold Mycotoxin testing

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